Desalination OnLine

Other Proceedings in Desalination

Amsterdam 1998 
Desalination, Vol. 117-119 (1998)

Philip Brandhuber and Gary Amy (USA ) 
Alternative methods for membrane filtration of arsenic from drinking water 

Taro Urase, Jeong-ik Oh and Kazuo Yamamoto (Japan) 
Effect of pH on rejection of different species of arsenic by nanofiltration 

David Cohen and Herbert M. Conrad (USA) 
65,000 GPD fluoride removal membrane system in Lakeland, California, USA 

Joop C. Kruithof, J.C. Schippers, Peer C. Kamp, H.C. Folmer and J.A.M.H. Hofman (The Netherlands) 
Integrated multi-objective membrane systems for surface water treatment : pretreatment of reverse osmosis by conventional treatment and ultrafiltration 

Emmanuel van Houtte, Johan Verbauwhede, Frans Vanlerberghe, Sven Demunter and Johan Cabooter (Belgium) 
Treating different types of raw water with micro- and ultrafiltration for further desalination using reverse osmosis 

Roberto Pianta, Markus Boller, Marie-Laure Janex, Aurelie Chappaz, Bernard Birou, Rafael Ponce and Jean-Louis Walther (Switzerland) 
Micro- and ultrafiltration of karstic spring water 

Paul Gagliardo, Samer Adham, Rhodes Trussel and Adam Olivieri (USA ) 
Water repurification via reverse osmosis membranes 

Gilbert Galjaard, Jan C. Schippers, Maarten M. Nederlof and Hieke A. Oosterom (The Netherlands) 
Quick-scan: selection of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes 

Wim Doyen, B. Baee, F. Lambrechts and R. Leysen (Belgium ) 
Methodology for accelerated pre-selection of UF type of membranes for large scale applications 

John van Genderen and Bernard F. Hegarty (The Netherlands) 
Approval testing of membrane water treatment systems 

A.B.F. Grose, A.J. Smith, A. Donn, J. O'Donnell and D. Welch (UK) 
Supplying high quality drinking water to remote communities in Scotland 

T. Suzuki, Y. Watanabe, G. Ozawa and S. Ikeda (Japan ) 
Removal of soluble organics and manganese by a hybrid MF hollow fibre membrane system 

Thor Thorsen (Norway) 
Flux and recovery influences on treatment efficiency in ultrafiltration of coloured drinking water 

Bart van der Bruggen, J. Schaep, W. Maes, D. Wilms and C. Vandecasteele (Belgium) 
Nanofiltration as a treatment method for the removal of pesticides from ground waters 

Abdelkader Gaid, Guy Bablon, Greg Turner, Jacques Franchet and Jean Christophe Protais (France) 
Performance of 3 years operation of nanofiltration plants 

Jan Peter van der Hoek, D.O. Rijnbende, C.J.A. Lokin, P.A.C. Bonne, M.T. Loonen and J.A.M.H. Hofman (The Netherlands) 
Electrodialysis as an alternative for reverse osmosis in an integrated membrane system 

Florian Hell, J. Lahnsteiner, H. Frischherz and G. Baumgartner (Austria) 
Experience with full-scale electrodialysis for nitrate and hardness removal 

Pierre Cote, Diana Mourato, Christian Gungerich, John Russell and Ed Houghton (Canada) 
Immersed membrane filtration for the production of drinking water: case studies 

V. Mavrov, H. Chmiel, J. Kluth, J. Meier, F. Heinrich, P. Ames, K. Backes and P. Usner (Germany ) 
Comparative study of different MF and UF membranes for drinking water production 

William R. Everest, Ian C. Watson and Dennis MacLain (USA) 
Groundwater reclamation by innovative desalting in Orange County, California 

Colin Reith and Brian Birkenhead (UK) 
Membranes enabling the affordable and cost effective reuse of wastewater as an alternative water source 

Yoshihiko Mori, T. Oota, M. Hashino, M. Takamura and Y. Fujii (Japan) 
Ozone-microfiltration system 

Thomas Lebeau, Claire Lelievre, Herve Buisson, Daniel Cleret, Larry W. Van de Venter and Pierre Cote (France) 
Immersed membrane filtration for the production of drinking water: combination with PAC for NOM and SOCs removal 

N. Couffin, C. Cabassud and V. Lahoussine-Turcaud (France) 
A new process to remove halogenated VOCs for drinking water production: vacuum membrane distillation 

Georg Hagmeyer and R. Gimbel (Germany) 
Modelling the salt rejection of nanofiltration membranes for ternary ion mixtures and for single salts at different pH values 

W. Richard Bowen and A. Wahab Mohammad (UK) 
A theoretical basis for specifying nanofiltration membranes Ð dye/salt/water streams 

Carlos Campos, Benito J. Marinas, Vernon L. Snoeyink, Isabelle Baudin, Jean Michel Laine (USA) 
Adsorption of trace organic compounds in CRISTAL¨ processes 

Kazutaka Takata, Kazuyoshi Yamamoto, Rulin Bian and Yoshimasa Watanabe (Japan) 
Removal of humic substances with vibratory shear enhanced processing membrane filtration 

N.A. Mishchuk (Ukraine) 
Perspectives of the electrodialysis intensification 

Julius Glater (USA ) 
The early history of reverse osmosis membrane development 

Gerhardt Reibersdorfer, C. Peter Shields and J.W. Strantz (USA) 
The Hollow Fibre CartridgeTM- operational experience with an improved reverse osmosis device/technology 

Mark Wilf and Kenneth Klinko (USA) 
Effective new pretreatment for seawater reverse osmosis systems 

John Murrer and Rick Rosberg (UK) 
Desalting of seawater using UF and RO Ð Results of a pilot study 

Mohammed Badrulla Baig and Abdul Aziz Al-Kutbi (Saudi Arabia) 
Design features of 20 migd SWRO desalination plant, Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia

M. Safar, M. Jafar, M. Abdel-Jawad and S. Bou-Hamad (Kuwait) 
Standardisation of RO membrane performance 

R.M. Jaluta, W.M. Elkhatib and A.A. Abufayed (Libya) 
Performance characteristics of a cyclically operated seawater desalination plant in Tajoura, Libya 

Yasumoto Magara, Akihisa Tabata, Minoru Kohki, Mutsuo Kawasaki and Masahiko Hirose (Japan) 
Development of boron reduction system for sea water desalination 

A.M. Hassan, M.A.K. Al-Sofi, A.S. Al-Amoudi, A.T.M. Jamaluddin, A.M. Farooque, A. Rowaili, A.G.I. Dalvi, N.M. Kither, G.M. Mustafa and I.A.R. Al-Tisan (Saudi Arabia) 
A new approach to membrane and thermal seawater desalination processes using nanofiltration membranes (Part 1) 

N. Marsh, J. Howard, S. Rybar, F. Finlayson and A. Linstrum (UK) 
The largest seawater RO plant in the Great Britain 118 (1998)53-62 

Julia E. Nemeth (USA) 
Innovative system designs to optimize performance of ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis membranes 

C. Guigui, P. Manno, P. Moulin, M.J. Clifton, J.C. Rouch, P. Aptel and J.M. Laine (France ) 
The use of Dean vortices in coiled hollow-fibre ultrafiltration membranes for water and wastewater treatment 

John S. Baker and Linda Y. Dudley (UK) 
Biofouling in membrane systems - a review 

P. Geisler, F.U. Hahnenstein, W. Krumm and T. Peters (Germany) 
Pressure exchange systems for energy recovery in reverse osmosis plants 

Rob Bos, Lutte Broens, Simon Dost, Stephan van Hoof, Peter van der Maas and Hieke Oosterom (The Netherlands) 
Membrane filtration for greenhouse horticulture. Largest ultrafiltration plant in The Netherlands 

Jaeweon Cho, Gary Amy, John Pellegrino and Yeomin Yoon (USA ) 
Characterization of clean and natural organic matter (NOM) 
fouled NF and UF membranes, and foulants characterization 

A. Schafer, A.G. Fane and T.D. Waite (Australia ) 
Nanofiltration of natural organic matter: removal, fouling and the influence of multivalent ions 

Mohammad A.K. Al-Sofi, A.M. Hassan, Ghulam M. Mustafa, Abdul Ghani I. Dalvi and Mohammed N.M. Kither (Saudi Arabia) 
Nanofiltration as a means of achieving higher TBT of 120oC in MSF 

Siobhˆn F.E. Boerlage, Maria D. Kennedy, Meseret Petros Aniye, Elhadi M. Abogrean, Gilbert Galjaard and Jan C. Schippers
(The Netherlands) 
Monitoring particulate fouling in membrane systems 

S.G. Yiantsios and A.J. Karabelas (Greece ) 
The effect of colloid stability on membrane fouling 

Thomas Griebe and Hans-Curt Flemming (Germany) 
Biocide-free antifouling strategy to protect RO membranes from biofouling 

Hans S. Vrouwenvelder, J.A.M. van Paassen, H.C. Folmer, J.A.M.H. Hofman, M.M. Nederlof and D. van der Kooij (The Netherlands) 
Biofouling of membranes for drinking water production 

Amy E. Childress and Shivaji S. Deshmukh (USA ) 
Effect of humic substances and anionic surfacants on the surface charge and performance of reverse osmosis membranes 

Maria D. Kennedy, Soo-Myung Kim, Issac Mutenyo, Lutte Broens and Jan Schippers (The Netherlands) 
Intermittent crossflushing of hollow fiber ultrafiltration systems 

S. Laborie, C. Cabassud, L. Durand-Bourlier and J.M. La"nŽ (France ) 
Fouling control by air sparging inside hollow fibre membranes Ð effects on energy consumption 

P. Hillis, M.B. Padley, N.I. Powell and P.M. Gallagher (UK) 
Effects of backwash conditions on out-to-in membrane microfiltration 

K. Glucina, J.M. Laine and L. Durand-Bourlier (France) 
Assessment of filtration mode for the ultrafiltration membrane process 

N. Delgrange, C. Cabassud, M. Cabassud, L. Durand-Bourlier and J.M. Laine (France ) 
Modelling of ultrafiltration fouling by neural network 

Mark A. Thompson and Badi (Steve) 
Azar (USA) 
Evaluation of conventional and membrane processes for softening a North Carolina groundwater 

Jacques A.M. van Paassen, Joop C. Kruithof, Simon M. Bakker and Frank Schoonenberg Kegel (The Netherlands) 
Integrated multi-objective systems for surface water treatment: pre-treatment of nanofiltration, by riverbank filtration and conventional ground water treatment 

Stephan C.J.M. van Hoof, C.P.T.M. Duyvesteijn and P.P.R. Vaal (The Netherlands) 
Dead-end ultrafiltration of pretreated and untreated WWTP effluent for re-use in process water applications 

Thomas Manth, J. Frenzel and A. van Vlerken (Germany) 
Large-scale application of UF and RO in the production of demineralized water 

W.F.J.M. Nooijen, P.A. de Boks, P.R. Vaal and W.B. Suratt (The Netherlands) 
Production of boiler feed water out of wastewater with microfiltration and reverse osmosis: the new age challenge within reach 

Philip Holden (UK) 
Anglian Water membrane hybrid system for the soft drinks industry 

Kati Ruohomaki, Pasi Vaisanen, Sari Metsamuuronen, Maaret Kulovaara and Marianne Nystrom (Finland) 
Characterization and removal of humic substances in ultra- and nanofiltration 

David Hasson, Raphael Semiat, Dan Bramson, Markus Busch and Bracha Limoni-Relis ( Israel) 
Suppression of CaCO3 scale deposition by anti-scalants 

Ger Vos, Yvette Brekvoort, Hieke A. Oosterom and Maarten M. Nederlof (The Netherlands) 
Treatment of canal water with ultrafiltration to produce industrial and household water 

Ora Kedem, L. Schechtman, Y. Mirsky, G. Saveliev and N. Daltrophe (Israel) 
Low-polarisation electrodialysis membranes 

El Hani Bouhabila, Roger Ben Aim and H. Buisson (France) 
Microfiltration of activated sludge using submerged membrane with air bubbling (application to wastewater treatment) 

D. Abdessemed, A. Adin and Roger Ben Aim (France ) 
Coupling flocculation with micro-ultrafiltration for waste water treatment and reuse 

Jadwiga Sojka-Ledakowicz, Tomasz Koprowski, Waldemar Machnowski and Hans Henrik Knudsen (Poland) 
Membrane filtration of textile dyehouse wastewater for technological water reuse 

Jutta Nuortila-Jokinen, Anne Kuparinen and Marianne Nystrom (Finland ) 
Tailoring an economical membrane process for internal purification in the paper industry 

Gun Tragardh and Dan Johansson (Sweden) 
Purification of alkaline cleaning solutions from the dairy industry using membrane separation technology 

Helmut Muller, Gotz Baumgartner, Andre Wortel and Uwe Offermann (Germany) 
Application of a membrane process to close the water circuit within a Vulcan-fibre factory 

Pinhas Glueckstern and M. Priel (Israel) 
Advanced concept of large seawater desalination systems for Israel 

Robert Gerard, H. Hachisuka and M. Hirose (The Netherlands) 
New membrane developments expanding the horizon for the application of reverse osmosis technology 

Walter G.J. van der Meer, M. Riemersma and J.C. van Dijk 
(The Netherlands) 
Only two membrane modules per pressure vessel? Hydraulic optimization of spiral-wound membrane filtration plants 

Stefan Panglisch, Ulrike Deinert, Walter Dautzenberg, Olaf Kiepke and Rolf Gimbel (Germany) 
Monitoring the integrity of capillary membranes by particle counters 

Jean Michel Laine, K. Glucina, M. Chamant and P. Simonie (France) 
Acoustic sensor: a novel technique for low pressure membrane integrity monitoring 

Judith Herschell Green and Michael Tylla (USA) 
A comparison of ultrafiltration on various river waters 

Klaus Hagen (Germany) 
Removal of particles, bacteria and parasites with ultrafiltration for drinking water treatment 

Nilaksh Kothari and J.S. Taylor (USA ) 
Pilot scale microfiltration at Manitowoc 

M.J. Pryor, E.P. Jacobs, J.P. Botes and V.L. Pillay (South Africa) 
A low pressure ultrafiltration membrane system for potable water supply to developing communities in South Africa 

J.A.M.H. Hofman, M.M. Beumer, E.T. Baars, J.P. van der Hoek and H.M.M. Koppers (The Netherlands) 
Enhanced surface water treatment by ultrafiltration 

Wentie Ma, Zhicai Sun, Zhongxiang Wang, Yu Bi Feng, Tong Chun Wang, U.S. Chan, Chan Hong Miu and Shucai Zhu (Macau) 
Application of membrane technology for drinking water 

P. Lipp, G. Baldauf, R. Schick, K. Elsenhans and H.-H. Stabel (Germany) 
Integration of ultrafiltration to conventional drinking water treatment for a better particle removal - efficiency and costs? 

Samer Adham, Paul Gagliardo, Daniel Smith, David Ross, Karl Gramith and Rhodes Trussell ( USA) 
Monitoring the integrity of reverse osmosis membranes 

Koji Suda, S. Shibuya, Y. Itoh and T. Kohno (Japan ) 
Development of a tank-submerged type membrane filtration system 

Sergei P. Agashichev (Russia) 
Modelling concentration polarisation phenomena for membrane channel with cylindrical geometry in an ultafiltration process 

Kyu-Hong Ahn, Ho-Young Cha, Ick-Tae Yeom and Kyung-Guen Song (Korea) 
Application of nanofiltration for recycling of paper regeneration wastewater and characterization of filtration resistance 

H.S. Alkhatim, M.I. Alcaina, E. Soriano, M.I. Iborra, J. Lora and J. Arnal (Spain) 
Treatment of whey effluents from dairy industries by nanofiltration membranes 

Jose M. Arnal, Esteban Campayo, J. Lora Garcia, I. Iborro Clar, M. Alcaina Miranda and M. Sancho Fernandez (Spain) 
Concentration of radioactive waste solutions of iodine (I125) 
from radio immune analysis (RIA) 
using membrane techniques 

D. Barba, F. Beolchini and F. Veglio (Italy) 
Water saving in a two stage diafiltration for the production of whey protein concentrates 

Sofia Belfer, Y. Purinson and Ora Kedem (Israel) 
Reducing fouling of RO membranes by redox-initiated graft polymerization 

Michal Bodzek and Krystina Konieczny (Poland) 
Comparison of ceramic and capillary membranes in the treatment of natural water by means of ultrafiltration and microfiltration 

Ingrida Bremere, Maria D. Kennedy, Amayo Johnson, Rani van Emmerik, Geert-Jan Witkamp and Jan C. Schippers (The Netherlands) 
Increasing conversion in membrane filtration systems using a desupersaturation unit to prevent scaling 

Giovanni Del Re, G. Di Giacomo, L. Aloisio and M. Terreri (Italy) 
RO treatment of waste waters from dairy industry 

Sadeq Ebrahim, M. Abdel-Jawad, A. Al-Saffar and M. Al-Tabtabaei (Kuwait) 
Performance assessment of seawater reserve osmosis membranes 

J. Faber, P.P.J.M. van Oort and A. Reigersman (The Netherlands) 
An example of water conservation and wastewater minimization by membrane filtration 

A. Fahnrich, Valko Mavrov and H. Chmiel (Germany) 
Membrane processes for water reuse in the food industry 

Harry Futselaar and Dick C. Weijenberg (The Netherlands) 
System design for large-scale ultrafiltration applications 

A. Gomez Gotor, S. Bachir and C. Argudo (Spain) 
Analysis and behaviour of chloride solutions in flat reverse osmosis membranes 

Stefan A. Huber (Germany) 
Evidence for membrane fouling by specific TOC constituents 

Pia Huikuri, Laina Salonen and Oliver Raff (Germany) 
Removal of natural radionuclides from drinking water by point of entry reverse osmosis 

Zoran Jankovic (Yugoslavia) 
Possibilities for the rational use of energy from thermal waters 

Mike Jenkins and Matthew B. Tanner (USA) 
Operational experience with a new fouling resistant reverse osmosis membrane 

Krystina Konieczny (Poland) 
Disinfection of surface and ground waters with polymeric ultrafiltration membranes 

Seymour S. Kremen and Matt Tanner (USA) 
Silt density indiced (SDI), percent plugging factor (%PF): their relation to actual foulant deposition 

Maarten M. Nederlof, Joop C. Kruithof, Jan A.M.H. Hofman, Martin de Koning, Jan-Peter van der Hoek and Paul A.C. Bonne 
(The Netherlands) 
Integrated multi-objective membrane system applications of reverse osmosis at the Amsterdam Water Supply 

H. Oosterom, G. Galjaard, M.M. Nederlof and J.C. Schippers 
(The Netherlands) 
Feasibility of micro- and ultrafiltration for the direct treatment of surface water: results of various pilot studies 

Stefan Panglisch, Walter Dautzenberg, Olaf Kiepke, Rolf Gimbel, Jurgen Gebel, Anette Kirsch and Martin Exner (Germany) 
Ultra- and microfiltration pilot plant investigations to treat reservoir water 

Thomas A. Peters (Germany) 
Purification of landfill leachate with reverse osmosis and nanofiltration 

Johan Schaep, Bart van der Bruggen, Steven Uytterhoeven, Raf Croux, Carlo Vandecasteele, Dirk Wilms, Emmanuel Van Houtte and Frans Vanlerberghe (Belgium) 
Removal of hardness from groundwater by nanofiltration 

A. Szymczyk, P. Fievet, J.C. Reggiani and J. Pagetti (France) 
Characterisation of surface properties of ceramic ultrafiltration membranes by studying diffusion-driven transport and streaming potential 

A. Szymczyk, P. Fievet, M. Mullet, J.C. Reggiani and J. Pagetti (France) 
Study of electrokinetic properties of plate ceramic membranes by electroosmosis and streaming potential 

George Tchobanoglous, Jeannie Darby, Keith Bourgeous, John McArdle, Paul Genest and Michael Tylla (Germany) 
Ultrafiltration as an advanced tertiary treatment process for municipal wastewater 

Wataru Tsujimoto, Haruo Kimura, Tomohiro Izu and Takashi Irie (Japan) 
Membrane filtration and pre-treatment by GAC 

E. Tzen, K. Perrakis and P. Baltas (Greece) 
Design of a stand alone PV-desalination system for rural areas 

Patrick Weber and Rudiger Knauf (Germany) 
Ultrafiltration of surface water with ¨MOLPURE FW50 hollow fiber module 

L.P. Wessels, W.G.J. Van der Meer, W.C. Van Paassen and G. Vos (The Netherlands) 
Innovative design of nano- and ultrafiltration plants 

E. Wittmann, P. Cote, C. Medici, J. Leech and A.G. Turner (France) 
Treatment of a hard borehole water containing low levels of pesticide by nanofiltration 

H. Wang and G. Zhang (China, PR) 
Development of portable pure water station 

Guoping Zhang and J. Shong (China, PR) 
Production of ultrapure water STN-LCD process line 

C.P.T.M. Duyvesteijn (The Netherlands) 
Water re-use in an oil refinery 

Inderjeet Kaur, G.S. Chauhan and B.N. Misra (India) 
Modification of tefzel film by graft copolymerization of methacrylonitrile for use as membrane 

V.N. Mynin and G.V. Terpugov (Russia) 
Purification of waste water from heavy metals by using ceramic membranes and natural polyelectrolytes 

V.N. Mynin and G.V. Terpugov (Russia) 
A membrane apparatus design for cellulose-paper manufacture drains purification 