Vol. 5 (1968)
Nuclear Desalination
Proceedings of a symposium held by the
International Atomic Energy Agency,
Madrid, November 18–22, 1968
J.T. Ramey
Practical considerations in desalination and energy development
and utilization
5 suppl.(1969)3-16
H. Kronberger
The United Kingdom approach to desalination and nuclear power
5 suppl.(1969)17-23
P. Balligand
Le programme français dans le domaine du dessalement de l'eau
de mer
5 suppl.(1969)25-29
H. Kronberger
United Kingdom desalination research and development program
5 suppl.(1969)33-40
M.N. Edwards
Fifteen years of progress – A review of the United States
Desalting Program
5 suppl.(1969)41-49
W.A. Williams, Jr., J.O. Roberts, R.D. McFarren
Role of nuclear energy in desalination - A review of the United
States Atomic Energy Commission's desalination development
program, problem areas, and potential
5 suppl.(1969)51-61
S. Ishizaka, Y. Onaga, T. Kikuchi, T. Sakai, I. Suetsuna
Technical aspects of desalination in Japan - present and future
5 suppl.(1969)63-73
W.R. Querns
Some aspects of multistage-flash-distillation plant operation
and construction
5 suppl.(1969)77-91
H. Laban, W. Hohenhinnebusch
Combination of a sea-water flash-distillation plant with a
nuclear plant arising from experience gained with conventional
5 suppl.(1969)93-109
G. Carolei, C. Franzosi, M. Jemma
Dessalement de l'eau de mer et production d'énergie électrique:
résultats d'exploitation des installations de l'Italsider
à Tarente
5 suppl.(1969)111-125
W.A. Gardner
Construction and initial operation of a test module for a
50-MGD desalination plant
5 suppl.(1969)127-143
P.A. Mawer
United Nations survey of desalination-plant operation
5 suppl.(1969)145-165
R.W. Durante
The Bolsa Island dual-purpose nuclear power and desalination
5 suppl.(1969)169-187
J.A. Hunter
United States-Mexico-IAEA study of large nuclear-power and
water-desalination plants for south-west United States of
America and northern Mexico
5 suppl.(1969)189-206
J.T. Maletic, M.S. Sachs, E.S. Krous
Desalting saline irrigation-water supplies for agriculture.
A case study — Lower Colorado River Basin, USA
5 suppl.(1969)207-224
J. Mac-Veigh Alfos
Desarrollo económico potencial de la zona sureste de Almería
basado en la instalación de una planta desaladora de doblo
5 suppl.(1969)225-238
J. Suarez, M.H.A. El-Saie
Las Palmas 20,000-m3/d flash-distillation dual-purpose water
and power plant
5 suppl.(1969)239-260
F. Pascual, F. Oltra, J. Albet, F. Costa, L. Thio, A. Torra
Estudio de viabilidad de una central nuclear de doblo uso
para la zona Catalana
5 suppl.(1969)261-276
Francoise Dutheil et M. Malissen
Aperçu sur le marché de l'eau dessalée en France pour de petites
5 suppl.(1969)277-287
L. Biondi, E. Crispino, R. Di Menza, F. Gazzabin, E. Merli,
R. Negrini, A. Potestà, G. Vacchelli
Alimentation en chaleur d'une installation de dessalement
par un réacteur nucléaire à fluide organique à fin unique
et de faible puissance
5 suppl.(1969)291-295
A. Cassinari, A. Gandellini, A. Vaudo
Conception et implantation du réacteur ROVI: pour le dessalement
de l'eau de mer
5 suppl.(1969)297-310
L. Biondi, D. Panzeri, L. Pierazzi
Le reacteur ROVI: choix de l’élément combustible et problèmes
5 suppl.(1969)311-318
B.C. Drude, F.H. Rohl
Pressurized-water reactors for natural and enriched uranium
5 suppl.(1969)319-330
S. Chambers
The steam-generating heavy-water reactor in dual-purpose applications
5 suppl.(1969)331-340
H. Kronberger
Some features required of nuclear reactors for dual-purpose
water/power production
5 suppl.(1969)341-349
R.A. Langley, Jr., R.L. Clark
The sodium-cooled fast-breeder reactor as a heat source for
desalination plants
5 suppl.(1969)351-363
J. Halzl, Z. Szabo, L. Szücs, M. Torma
Application of the HTGR-CCGT system in dual-purpose nuclear
power plants
5 suppl.(1969)367-383
L. Heller, L. Szucs
Optimum system for satisfying a given demand on fresh water
and electric power
5 suppl.(1969)385-393
W. Pechenick, C.E. Ennis
Desalination plants using higher steam pressures
5 suppl.(1969)397-405
A. Ehret, H. Sonnenschein
Combination of a high-temperature reactor with a closed-cycle
gas-turbine and desalination plant
5 suppl.(1969)407-417
G. Nebbia, R. Di Menza, L. Pierazzi
Optimization study on the coupling of a low-temperature ROVI
reactor with a desalination plant
5 suppl.(1969)419-424
P. Balligand, J.P. Agostini, J. Huyghe, F. Lauro, P. Vignet
Etude d'usines de dessalement associées à un réacteur nucléaire
du type uranium naturel-gaz-graphite et fonctionnant suivant
différents procédés de distillation
5 suppl.(1969)425-440
E.F. Masters, H.A. Matthews, F.K. Orde
The selection of nuclear power and desalination plants for
augmenting existing water reserves
5 suppl.(1969)441-462
P. Maldague, C. Descamps, W. Debay, A. Paquet, W. Bongard,
B. Cox
Production combinée d'électricité et d'eau dessalée a l'aide
de réacteurs Vulcain et d'unités LTV: Aspects technico-économiques
d'installations de moyenne puissance
5 suppl.(1969)463-479
B. Kunst
Optimum brine temperature in nuclear and fuel-operated power
plants coupled with multi-stage flash evaporator
5 suppl.(1969)483-494
R.A. Tidball, G.G. Gaydos
High-temperature desalination plants for nuclear-power stations
5 suppl.(1969)495-506
M.A. Mandil, E.E. Abdel-Ghafour
Optimization of multi-stage-flash evaporation plants
5 suppl.(1969)507-524
A.B. Steinbruchel
Current and projected technology of flash-type sea-water desalination
5 suppl.(1969)525-534
F.C. Wood, R. Herbert
The characteristics of dual-process distillation plant combining
vapour compression and multi-stage-flash evaporators
5 suppl.(1969)535-555
S.J. Senatore, E.N. Sieder
Conceptual design studies of a dual-purpose and a vapour-compression
water-only 750-MGD plant
5 suppl.(1969)557-568
R. Starmer, F. Lowes
Nuclear single-purpose multi-stage-flash with vapour recompression
5 suppl.(1969)569-582
N.A. El-Ramly, J.M. English
The economic development of nuclear desalination plants in
water and power supply systems
5 suppl.(1969)585-594
K. Goldsmith
Integrating dual-purpose plant for power and water production
into an existing electricity supply system
5 suppl.(1969)595-604
J. Gaussens
Les conditions de concurrence entre le production d'eau par
dessalement et les ressources naturelles
5 suppl.(1969)605-615
M.J. Burley, J.C. Clarke
Desalination in conjunction with conventional water supplies
5 suppl.(1969)617-630
L. Thiriet, P. Lievre
Principaux facteurs d'incertitude de la rentabilité de l'énergie
nucléaire pour la production d'eau dessallée
5 suppl.(1969)631-643
P.M. Terlizzi
Economic considerations of a nuclear energy facility for the
production of chemicals from sea salt in developing countries
5 suppl.(1969)645-657
Y. Barrada
Desalted water and the possibility of its use in agriculture
5 suppl.(1969)659-680
S.A. Bresler, E.F. Miller
A conceptual nuclear energy centre for the co-production of
agricultural chemicals and desalted water to serve a pilot
food factory
5 suppl.(1969)683-695
R. Douvry, P.E. Dorges
Etude économique d'installations à fins multiples: produetion
d'électricité, dessalement de l’eau de mer et industries chimiques
5 suppl.(1969)697-711
J.W. Michel
The agro-industrial complex
5 suppl.(1969)713-744
H. Kakihana, Y. Tsunoda
Dual-purpose nuclear power plant incorporating the production
of salt
5 suppl.(1969)745-755
J. Adar, D. Caplin, G. Frank, O. Tavory
Preliminary study of a desalination-power-industrial complex
in Israel
5 suppl.(1969)757-771
J. Halzl, Gy. Sigmond, Z. Szab-, M. Torma
Application of nuclear reactors to the alumina and aluminum
5 suppl.(1969)773-783
R.P. Hammond, T.D. Anderson
Technology needed for the economic use of desalted water in
5 suppl.(1969)785-796
C.E. Ennis, W. Pechenick
Organization of large desalination-plant studies
5 suppl.(1969)805-813
N.G. Feige (USA)
Corrosion resistance of titanium and its alloys in primary
water and hot brine environments
5 suppl.(1969)815-827
E.N. Sieder, I. Spiewak (USA)
Development of technology applicable to 50-MGD and larger
sea-water distillation plants
5 suppl.(1969)829-846
P.J. Selak, J. Finke, A.L. Lindsay (USA)
The architect-engineer-constructor's role in future nuclear
desalination projects
5 suppl.(1969)847-858
A.N. Dickson, J.K. Bradie (UK)
Some basic aspects of the flash-distillation process
5 suppl.(1969)859-877
N. Noguchi, S. Sato, T. Imatake, T. Matsuhara, T. Hamada
Prevention of scale and corrosion on flash evaporators
5 suppl.(1969)879-893
G. Boisde, H. Coriou, L. Grall, C. Mahieu, M. Pelras (France)
Etude du comportement de divers matériaux dans l’eau de mer
jusqu'à 150°C
5 suppl.(1969)895-914