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WSTA-2024 - Paper 1
Assessment of groundwater quality and its implications for drinking purposes in Najran, Southern Saudi Arabia
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 2
Assessing the hydrological and hydraulic behaviour of an arid catchment which determines flood impacts in the Dhofar governorate, Oman
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 3
Farmers' attitude regarding the use of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation, the case of Saudi Arabia
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 4
Emerging brine management approaches for sustainable desalination in the GCC countries
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 5
Development of flood risk mapping and mitigation strategies for Al-Qassim region
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 6
Solar-driven desalination in Saudi Arabia for sustainable future
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 7
Towards a novel wastewater treatment process: a submerged membrane elector-bioreactor (SMEBR)-simultaneous biodegradation, electrocoagulation and membrane filtration
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 8
Comparative wastewater quality indicators and multivariate analysis of Riyadh sewage treatment plants and its impact on irrigation of Riyadh District
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 9
The role of information technology in addressing soil logging and salinization in Diyala Governorate (Republic of Iraq) 2023
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 10
Assessment of groundwater suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes using physicochemical parameters at Al-Jouf Area, Saudi Arabia
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 11
Developing a sensor-based agricultural water management system for irrigation scheduling, automation, and optimization
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 12
Atmospheric water generation in Qatar: a sustainable approach for extracting water from air powered by solar energy
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WSTA-2024 - Paper 13
Towards sustainable water management: leveraging soil moisture sensors for smart irrigation in the GCC
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Post Treatment of Desalinated Water
by Ori Lahav, Nikolay Voutchkov and Liat Birnhack
ISBN 0-86689-071-8
Balaban Desalination Publications
Promotion price €99
The book covers the incentives, underlying scientific principles and related engineering aspects of the final stage of the desalination process, a part in the overall desalination process which has not received, thus far, the attention it deserves in the professional literature.

Membrane Bioreactors:
Models for Bioprocess Design
by Anna Trusek-Holownia
ISBN 0-86689-070-X
Balaban Desalination Publications
Price €89
Process intensification in a microbiological membrane bioreactor is due, first of all, to the concentration of bacterial biomass. In an enzymatic membrane bioreactor this is achieved by immobilization, and consequently multiple use of the enzyme which, depending on its activity, can remain in the membrane bioreactor either in a native form or can be bound with the membrane. Additionally, a properly selected membrane and method of transmembrane mass transport can replace a multi-stage, often complicated and costly, process of reagent separation used in traditional technologies. A description of the membrane bioreactor in this book helps to minimize costs of membrane bioreactor application. This must be preceded by proper familiarity with the process and identification of parameters which affect the operation of a membrane bioreactor.

Desalination Cost Assessment and Management
by Nikolay Voutchkov
ISBN: 978-616-90836-65
Water Treatment Academy Publications
Price US$ 180
One of the key challenges associated with the wider implementation of seawater desalination worldwide is its relatively high cost. This book provides engineering guidelines for assessment of seawater desalination project construction, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and presents practical approaches for cost management using state-of-the art design methods, technologies and equipment. The book describes step-by-step desalination cost estimating procedures and practices. It clearly explains key factors impacting desalination costs and available tools to manage such impacts. It also provides an overview of the main cost-saving features incorporated in some of the best-in-class seawater desalination plants worldwide and shares lessons learned from the implementation of recent low- and high-cost desalination projects. This book contains example construction, O&M and water production cost estimates for a typical desalination project.

Desalination Plant Concentrate Management
by Nikolay Voutchkov
ISBN: 978-974-49635746
Water Treatment Academy Publications
Price US$ 99
This book provides an overview of the alternatives for management of concentrate generated by brackish water and seawater desalination plants, as well as site specific factors involved in the selection of the most viable alternative for a given project, and the environmental review requirements and studies associated with their implementation. The book focuses on widely used alternatives for disposal of concentrate, including discharge to surface water bodies; discharge to the wastewater collection system; deep well injection; land application; evaporation; and zero liquid discharge. Direct discharge through new outfall; discharge through existing wastewater treatment plant outfall; and co-disposal with the cooling water of existing coastal power plant are thoroughly evaluated and design guidance for the use of these concentrate disposal alternatives is presented with engineers and practitioners in the field of desalination in mind. Key advantages, disadvantages, environmental impact issues and possible solutions are presented for each discharge alternative.

The Guidebook to Membrane Technology
for Wastewater Reclamation

Wastewater treatment, Pollutants, Membrane filtration,
Membrane bioreactors, Reverse osmosis, Fouling, UV oxidation,
Process control, Implementation, Economics, Commercial plants design

by Mark Wilf
with chapters by Craig Bartels, David Bloxom, James Christopher,
Adam Festger, Kenny Khoo, Val Frenkel, Jill Hudkins, Jennifer Muller,
Graeme Pearce, Rod Reardon, Alan Royce

ISBN 0-86689-067-x
Balaban Desalination Publications
Price €199
This is the second guidebook on commercial membrane technology written by a team of membrane technology professionals and published by Balaban Desalination Publications. This guidebook is dedicated to the membrane technologies applied in wastewater reclamation processes.

Desalination and Advanced Water Treatment.
Economics and Financing

by Corrado Sommariva
ISBN 0-86689-069-6
Balaban Desalination Publications
Price €59
This publication is a detailed guide to technology selection for desalination and water re-use projects. It covers all aspects of planning, managing, and completing desalination projects. Its objective is to provide readers with information required for feasibility economics, water cost, tariff modeling and budgeting of desalination and wastewater treatment plants.

Seawater Pretreatment
by Nikolay Voutchkov
ISBN: 978-974-4017956
Water Treatment Academy Publications
Price US$ 65
This book presents an overview of pretreatment challenges facing most reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants today and provides practical solutions derived from worldwide experience. The reader will find guidelines for selection of pretreatment system configuration based on source seawater quality and for design of the most commonly used pretreatment technologies, such as screening, sand removal, sedimentation, dissolved air flotation, granular media filtration and membrane filtration. The author shares insights on the present and future use of ultra and microfiltration membrane technologies and their advantages and limitations for seawater pretreatment.

The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment
Edited by Zahid Amjad
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7-144-3
CRC Press
Price $149.95 / £95.00
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Water Treatment
Mineral scale deposits, corrosion, suspended matter, and microbiological growth are factors that must be controlled in industrial water systems. Research on understanding the mechanisms of these problems has attracted considerable attention in the past three decades as has progress concerning water treatment additives to ameliorate these concerns. The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment provides a comprehensive discussion on the topic from specialists in industry and academia.

Seawater Desalination
Edited by Andrea Cipollina, Giorgio Micale and Lucio Rizzuti
ISBN 978-3-642-01149-8
Price €130
The book presents an overview of conventional and non-conventional technologies, with a particular focus on the coupling of renewable energies with desalination processes.

Water Supply Development
Aquifer Storage and Concentrate Disposal for Membrane Water Treatment Facilities
by Thomas M. Missimer
with contributions by Ian C. Watson, Tom Pankratz, Robert G. Maliva

ISBN-13: 978-097885303-7
ISBN-10: 097885303-2
Schlumberger Water Services
Price $125
This book is the first in a planned series: Methods in Water Resources Evaluation - to be published by Schlumberger. It is intended to be used as a design and reference text for water resources professional engineers - hydrogeologists - and water treatment plant operators and as a university textbook.

Pretreatment Technologies for Membrane Seawater Desalination
by Nikolay Voutchkov
ISBN 978-1-921335-05-1
Australian Water Association
Price $55
This book presents an overview of pretreatment challenges facing most reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants today and provides practical solutions derived from worldwide experience.

An Engineer's Guide to Seawater Desalination
by Joachim Gebel and Süleyman Yüce
ISBN-13 978-3-86875-000-3
VGB PowerTech Service GmbH
The authors present a comprehensive elaboration that reflects on all important subjects of seawater desalination technologies, from the thermo- and hydro-dynamical fundamentals to material problems as well as from the process design of MED, MSF and RO plants to the layout of the main components. A historical overview and a foresight complete the book.

Liquid Separations with Membranes
An Introduction to Barrier Interference
Karl W. Böddeker
ISBN: 978-3-540-47451-7
On the level of a textbook a self-consistent approach to liquid separations with membranes is presented, contrasting equilibrium separations with the rate-controlling effects of barrier interference on mass transfer. As a corollary objective, an effort is made to observe context, factual and historical, when introducing concepts and applications of membrane separation science.

Advances in Water Desalination
Volume 1
Edited by Noam Lior (Editor-in-Chief)
Miriam Balaban, Mohammad A. Darwish, Osamu Miyatake,
Shichang Wang and Mark Wilf

Advances in Water Desalination is designed to meet the knowledge needs in the rapidly advancing field of water desalination, and consists of one book volume per year, containing 5-7 invited high quality timely reviews, each treating in depth a specific aspect of the desalination and related water treatment field, and written by invited top experts in the field.

Fouling in Membranes and Thermal Units
A Unified Approach — Its Principles, Assessment, Control, and Mitigation
by Roya Sheikholeslami
ISBN 0-86689-066-1
Desalination Publications
Price €89
This scholarly monograph reflects the immense advances in basic and applied aspects of fouling that have taken place over the last 40 years. This book aims to combine and consolidate the principles upon which the fouling phenomenon is based instead of the processes in which it occurs and to high-light the similarities and differences that may exist in fouling of different types of process equipment including both membrane and thermal units and from both the fundamental and practical aspects.

Advances in Underground Pipeline Design, Construction and Management
by Jey K. Jeyapalan
The book is a thorough compilation of Jeyapalan's projects, lectures and writings on the subject.  It is intended to be the one source needed to understand the pipeline industry, in all its diversity and complexity.

The Guidebook to Membrane Desalination Technology
Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration and Hybrid Systems -
Process, Design, Applications and Economics

by Mark Wilf
with chapters by Leon Awerbuch, Craig Bartels, Mike Mickley,
Graeme Pearce and Nikolay Voutchkov

ISBN 0-86689-065-3
Desalination Publications
Price €149
This is a process and application guidebook that encompasses the latest state of the art of commercial membrane desalination technology. This unique book provides a thorough overview and understanding of the RO, NF, and hybrid system, all with a detailed discussion on how to apply, design and operate potable systems and how to evaluate project economics using innovative membrane technologies.

Fundamentals of Biological Wastewater
by Udo Wiesmann, Su Choi and Eva-Maria Dombrowski
John Wiley and Sons
Price €135
This concise introduction to the fundamentals of biological treatment of wastewater describes how to model and integrate biological steps into industrial processes.

Hybrid Membrane Systems for Water Purification
Technology, Systems, Design and Operation
by Rajindar Singh
ISBN: 1-85617-442-5
Price $195, £120, €175
Real life case studies enhance the detailed text, giving an insight into problems encountered and solutions devised. Comprehensive engineering data and notes are added to enhance the practical nature of this book, which will be of interest and importance to chemical process engineers, OEM sales and application engineers, engineers and consultants in the water industries and environmental engineers.

Nanofiltration Principles and Applications
by A.I. Schaefer, A.G. Fane and T.D. Waite
ISBN: 1-85617-405-0
Price £95.50, €143, $143
The book contains chapters from top international authorities. The result is a comprehensive and up to date account which will be essential reading for membrane designers, manufacturers and end-users worldwide.

Nano and Micro Engineered Membrane Technology
Membrane Science and Technology Series 10
by C.J.M. van Rijn
ISBN: 0-444-51489-9
Price $185, £123.50, €185
This book is about nano and micro engineered membrane technology, an emerging new technological area in membrane technology. Potential applications cover a broad spectrum of science, such as micro and nano filtration, gas separation, optics and nanophotonics, catalysis, microbiology, controlled drug delivery, nanopatterning, micro contact printing, atomisation, cross flow emulsification, etc.

Seawater Desalination
Impacts of Brine and Chemical Discharge on the Marine Environment
by Sabine Lattemann and Thomas Hoepner
ISBN 0-86689-062-9
Desalination Publications and DEStech Publications
Price $59
An introduction to the two main desalting processes is given in this book with an emphasis on vulnerable points in process design and choice of materials. This book appeals for environmental assessments of new desalination plants and it is the first which provides data about the chemical discharges into the sea and their marine ecological effects. Special attention is given to the Arabian Gulf where 50% of the worldwide seawater plants operate.

Introduction to Nuclear Desalination: A Guidebook
ISBN 92-0-102400-2
ISSN 0074-1914
International Atomic Energy Agency

Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory
by Thomas M. Pankratz
ISBN 1-56670-544-4
CRC Press

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)
The EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd.
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) represents a comprehensive, authentic, authoritative, organized and integrated body of knowledge of the science, technology and management of life support systems development and use. The Desalination volumes constitute an important part of EOLSS covering all aspects of the field.

Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration
Edited by Kathleen A. Faller
ISBN 0 89867 978 8
American Water Works Association
AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices

Solar Energy Pioneer
Selected Reprints of Papers by Harry Zvi Tabor
Edited by Morton B. Prince
ISBN 0-86689-045-8
Balaban Publishers ans International SolarSociety
Price $20

Water resources Management in Europe
Edited by Francisco Nunes Correia
ISBN 9054104384
Price $130.00

The World's Water
The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources.
by Peter H. Gleick
ISBN 1 55963 592 4
Island Press
The World's Water is a comprehensive reference on worldwide freshwater resources and the political, economic, scientific, and technological issues associated with them. It provides both detailed analysis of the most significant trends and events and the most up-to-date data available on water resources and their use.

A Desalination Primer
Introductory Book for Students and Newcomers to Desalination
by K.S. Spiegler and Y.M. El-Sayed
ISBN 086689 034 3
Desalination Publications
Price $49.00

Desalination and Water Treatment Journal


Water Desalination Report

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